Arlington Memorial
Guidance Department
School Counseling Updates
School Counseling Updates
Everything you need to know
January 2020
January announcements from the AMHS Guidance Office are attached below. For more information, please contact School Counselor Joanna Lederer-Barners at lederer-barnes@bvsu.org or 375-2589 x 106
September 2019
September announcements from the AMHS Guidance Office. For more information, please contact School Counselor Joanna Lederer-Barners at lederer-barnes@bvsu.org or 375-2589 x 106
Electrical and Plumbing Careers Information Session
On Tuesday, Oct. 22 at 9:15 a.m., a representative from the Department of Labor will be here to talk with any interested students about how to become an electrician or plumber in Vermont. She will bring information about employers in our area that accept apprentices in these fields. To sign up for this event, please go to the Guidance Office.
March 2019
March announcements from the AMHS School Counselor Office. For more information, please contact School Counselor Joanna Lederer-Barners at lederer-barnes@bvsu.org or 375-2589 x 106
For Grades 9-12
Enrichment Program Opportunity:
The Governor's Institutes of Vermont Winter Weekend enrichment program is open to high school students and is a fun, intensive way to learn about something new. Students select a specific topic of interest. This year, the choices are Digital Journalism & Ethics, Directing Theatre, Youth Leadership, Microcontrollers, Biological Illustration, Chaos Art, Global Education & Youth Voice, Neuroscience, Disaster Health & Epidemiology, and Songwriting Bootcamp. Tuition is on a sliding scale based on family income. Registration is now open, open and these programs fill up! For more information, please go to giv.org/winterweekend.
For Sophmores and Juniors
PSAT score reports are in and will be mailed home in early January. In the meantime, students who entered their email addresses on their answer sheet should be receiving an email from the College Board with instructions to view their scores online. Students can also access SAT practice questions that are personalized to their areas of needed improvement. In January, the guidance office will offer flex period sessions that address how to use the individualized online practice.
For Grades 10, 11, 12
Students who took the ASVAB test will receive their scores in the mail in January. If you have any questions, please contact the school counseling office.
For Juniors
In December, all juniors had their individual school counseling appointments for post-high school planning, and students who are considering applying to college received folders of college planning information. Please encourage your junior to share their folder with you. Letters will be going home in early January that describes these meetings. If you do not receive your letter or your student misplaces their folder, please contact the school counseling office.
New! This year the junior class will be going on a field trip to Mount Antony Union High School for their new Junior Experience program. The program will include exploration of a variety of post-high school pathways and how to work towards them. There will be information about work-based learning, technical industry-recognized credentials, college, military service, service programs, and more. The trip is January 10 (snow date Jan. 11.) We will need to leave school at 7:15 AM to be there on time, and we will be returning at 10:30 AM. Students have been given permission forms that are due back by December 20.
For Seniors
Reminder: All families whose seniors are applying to college should be completing their FAFSA and VSAC Vermont Grant financial aid applications online. Please contact the school counseling office if you need help.
Local and State scholarship lists will come out in January. If you would like an advance copy, please contact the school counseling office.